
Don't be a stranger
Create your online acting resume

How to Put Together an Online Portfolio

The importance of a portfolio is quite obvious for the artists and film makers. In addition to having talent and passion, a well-crafted portfolio is vital to getting noticed and turning heads in your direction.

Good photos can make the difference between you getting an interview/audition and losing an opportunity.

What does a ‘headshot portfolio’ mean?

Whether you're an actor, filmmaker, crew member or any talent it can be beneficial for an employer, client or collaborator to see who are through an online resume.

Not know where to begin? Let us help you with your resume and create a modern headshot portfolio to make the difference...

go green

What your portfolio can do for you

Stand out in this tough market! Make your online portfolio as impressive as you can. Let us help you with a touch of creativity and innovative thinking. Send us information about you - resume with your acting credits, professional head shots and consider purchasing a domain. We could also involve some video materials if you have. We will give you advice how to separate them in sectors, what colors to choose, what domain and so on.
You can write us at contact@talentcircle.co.uk

Terms of Service

Photos will only be returned to a UK address if a self-addressed envelope is enclosed and stamped to the correct postal cost for the weight of the material. Talent Circle accepts no liability for loss or damage to the photos. Talent Circle makes no express or implied warranties about the reliability of the images, and is not responsible for any damage caused by loss, deletion or alteration of images. Customers are responsible for monitoring and creating backups of all image content. Talent Circle is not responsible for any loss or damage to photos. No responsibility will be accepted for photos lost, delayed or damaged in the post or inefficiently pre-stamped. Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of delivery. You warrant to Talent Circle that the photos are wholly original to you and does not infringe the rights of any third party and that you own the copyright in respect to the artwork and shall continue to keep indemnified Talent Circle, their servants and agents against all loss, liability, claims or costs (including legal fees) incurred, awarded or agreed by Talent Circle as a direct result of reasonably foreseeable consequence of any breach or non-performance of any of the represented warranties or undertakings by you. Once an order has been received and fulfilled no further changes can be made. Errors/disputes must be notified within 14 days. This agreement will be construed under and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.